Room 1

Room 3 Timor

Senin, 22 Juli 2024



06.00 - 06.30


06.30 - 07.00

Preparation of Inauguration and Scientific Oration

07.00 - 07.30

Opening Inauguration Ceremony by POGI President

07.30 - 08.00

Scientific Oration

08.00 - 09.30

Inaugural Ceremony of the OBGYN Specialist and Subspecialist Graduates

09.30 - 10.00

Awards Ceremony (Tajuludin Awards, etc)

Closing Inauguration Ceremony

10.00 - 10.15

Coffe Break

10.15 - 11.15

POGI Organizational Meeting

11.15 - 12.15

Opening Ceremony

11.15 - 11.25

Mars Pogi by Choir Performance

11.25 - 11.30

Chairman of the Committee PIT POGI XXVII Speech
dr. Laurens David Paulus, Sp.O.G, Subsp. Onk, FISQua

11.30 - 11.35

POGI President Speech
Prof. Dr. dr. Yudi Mulyana Hidayat, Sp.O.G, Subsp. Onk, D.MAS, M.Kes

11.35 - 11.55

Governoor of East Nusa Tenggara Timur Province Speech and Opened The event
Bapak Ayodhia Gehak Lakunamang Kalake, S.H.,M.D.C

11.55 - 12.00

Video Opening

Dance Performance :
Jemi Dance Academy
Burung Khas Pulau Rote Iriana Jokowi

12.00 - 12.30

Regional Songs by Choir Performance

Inez Ndona Performance
Medley Nusantara dan Lagu NTT

12.30 - 13.00

Prayer Break Session

13.00 - 14.30

Lunch Symposium

Obtetri dan Ginekologi Sosial I

13.00 - 13.05

The Role of Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialists in Improving the Quality of ANC Services in Hospitals

Moderator : dr. Dhika Prabu, Sp.O.G, Subsp.Obginsos

13.05 - 13.25

Collaborative Management of Labor Planning for High-Risk Obstetric Cases in Hospitals

dr. R. Detty Siti Nurdiati, MPH, Ph.D, Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.Fm

13.25 - 13.45

The Use of MCH Books and the Role of Physicians in Increasing the Referral of High-Risk Obstetric Cases to Hospitals

Dr. dr. Eugenius Phyowai Ganap, Sp.O.G, Subsp.Obginsos

13.45 - 14.05

Collaborative Management of High-Risk Obstetric Case Referrals in Hospitals

Prof. Dr. dr. Dwiana Ocviyanti, Sp.O.G, Subsp.Obginsos, MPH

14.05 - 14.25


14.25 - 14.30


14.30 - 14.45

Coffe Break

14.45 - 16.15


Social Obstetrics and Gynecology II

14.45 - 14.50

Holistic Case Management of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Hospitals

Moderator : Dr. dr. Budi Prasetyo, Sp.O.G, Obginsos

14.50 - 15.20

Holistic Management of Violence Against Women

Dr. dr. JM. Seno Adjie, Sp.O.G, Subsp.Obginsos

15.20 - 15.40

Holistic Management of Obstetric Cases with Complications

Dr. dr. Arietta Pusponegoro, Sp.O.G, Subsp.Obginsos

15.40 - 16.00

Setting Up Holistic Clinics in Hospitals

Dr. dr. Omo Abdul Madjid, Sp.O.G, Subsp.Obginsos, MPH

16.00 - 16.10


16.10 - 16.15


16.15 - 17.00


18.00 - 22.00