Jum’at, 19 Juli 2024

WORKSHOP Maternal Fetal Medicine Ultrasound and Recent Updates Course

Jum’at, 19 Juli 2024



07.30 – 08.00

Registrasi dan Pembukaan

Moderator: Dr. dr. AAN Jaya Kusuma, Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.Fm, MARS

08.00 – 08.20

Does size matters - Interesting fact in the Management of Small Fetus

dr. Aria Wibawa, Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.Fm

08.20 – 08.40

Which Biometry Charts for Fetal Growth? Pros & Cons of Intergrowth Charts/ Lessons Learnt from Intergrowth Project and Indonesian Biometry Project

dr. Adhi Pribadi, Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.Fm

08.40 - 09.00

Ultrasound Scans In The Third Trimester: Should It Be Routine?

dr. Rima Irwinda, Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.Fm

09.00 - 09. 10


ISUOG Update
Moderator: Prof. Dr. dr. Hj. Sri Sulistyowati, Sp.O.G, Subsp. K.Fm

09.10 - 09.30

Preclampsia / SGA / preterm birth prediction and prevention

09.30 - 09.50

Importance of 11-14w scan

Prof. Poon Chiu Yee, Liona

09.50 - 09.55


09.55 - 10.00

Rehat Kopi dan Foto Bersama

Placenta Accreta Spectrum
Moderator: dr. Hendriette Irene Mamo, Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.Fm

10.00 – 10.20

A simple guide to ultrasound screening for placenta accreta spectrum for improving detection and optimizing management in resource limited settings

Dr. dr. Agus Sulistyono, Sp.O.G, K.Fm

10.20 – 10.40

Relationship of Placental Vascular Indices with Macroscopic, Histopathologic, and Intraoperative Blood Loss in Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders

Dr. dr. Yuditiya Purwosunu, Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.FM, PhD

10.40 – 11.00

Comparing three-dimensional models of placenta accreta spectrum with surgical findings

dr. Rozi Aditya Aryananda, SpOG, Subsp.K.Fm

11.00 – 11.20

Modified Delphi study of ultrasound signs associated with placenta accreta spectrum

dr. Manggala Pasca, Sp.O.G. Subsp. K.Fm

11.20 - 11.30


11.30 – 13.00


Fetal neurosonography
Moderator: Dr. dr. AAN Jaya Kusuma, Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.Fm, MARS

13.00 – 13.20

Quantifying objective fetal brain cortical development with ultrasound and related abnormalities

dr. Herman Kristanto, Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.Fm, M.Si

13.20 – 13.40

Examining fetal brain LCS production and drainage: ventriculomegaly and abnormalities related

Dr. dr. Adrianes Bachnas, Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.Fm

13.40 – 14.00

Fetal neurosonography: corpus callosum anomalies, diagnosis, associations and prognosis

Dr. dr. Wiku Andonotopo, Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.Fm

14.00 – 14.10


Rehat Kopi Disajikan Di Dalam

Aneuploidy Screening and Diagnosis
Moderator: Prof. Dr. dr. Johanes Cornelius Mose, Sp.O.G. Subsp.K.Fm

14.10 – 14.30

Will NIPD kill invasive testing in the near future?

dr. Irwan Taufiqur Rachman, Sp.O.G, Subsp.KFm

14.50 - 15.10

Where is the 1st TM ultrasound screening position in the era of routine NIPT for all pregnancy.

15.10 - 15.20

Early first trimester Vs late first trimester ultrasound: How much will it differ the results?

Dr. dr. Aditya Kusuma, Sp.O.G. Subsp. K.Fm

14.30 – 14.50

First trimester placental volume measurement related to fetus with aneuploidy.

dr. Voon Hian Yan

15.20 - 15.30


15.30 - 16.00

LIVE DEMO: Fetal Neurosonography

dr. Voon Hian Yan